Evolution Tae Kwon Do Monticello
                            Evolution Tae Kwon Do Monticello

For Students

Make a Payment

Register as a Tae Kwon Do Student

Per Student Options - Automatic Payments
Per Student Options - Pay Monthly
Private Session Packages
Testing Fees
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Register for a Personal Safety Class

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Class Schedule

Mini Kickers

(Age 4 to 6) 

Tuesday and Thursday

6:00 PM to 6:30 PM


Youth (Ages 6 to 13)

Junior Students

Tuesday  and Thursday

6:35 PM to 7:20 PM 


Adult (Ages 14 & Up)

Tuesday and Thursday

7:25 PM to 8:25 PM


Adult Black Belt

Tuesday and Thursday

8:30 PM to 9:00 PM

Since its foundation, Evolution Taekwondo Monticello continues to welcome new members year after year. We strive to meet and exceed all of our members' needs.

Interested in joining our club? Please call or email .

Student Resources


Evolution Tae Kwon Do Monticello
9375 Fenning Ave. NE
Monticello, MN  55362
Phone: 763-464-9937


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